Last updated: 2024-07-23

Checks: 7 0

Knit directory: DOX_24_Github/

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The results in this page were generated with repository version 88c6686. See the Past versions tab to see a history of the changes made to the R Markdown and HTML files.

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Ignored files:
    Ignored:    .DS_Store
    Ignored:    analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_3.html
    Ignored:    analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_4.html
    Ignored:    analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_5.html
    Ignored:    analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_6.html
    Ignored:    analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_7.html
    Ignored:    analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_8.html
    Ignored:    analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_RUV_Limma.html

Untracked files:
    Untracked:  Fig_2.Rmd
    Untracked:  Fig_2.html
    Untracked:  analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_RUV_Limma.Rmd

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These are the previous versions of the repository in which changes were made to the R Markdown (analysis/Johnson_DOX_24_3.Rmd) and HTML (docs/Johnson_DOX_24_3.html) files. If you’ve configured a remote Git repository (see ?wflow_git_remote), click on the hyperlinks in the table below to view the files as they were in that past version.

File Version Author Date Message
Rmd 88c6686 Omar-Johnson 2024-07-23 Publish the initial files for myproject

Load Libraries

Read in Data


# 1 
perform_module_comparisons_mutexc <- function(df, module_col, value_col) {
  # Ensure the necessary columns exist
  if (!(module_col %in% names(df) && value_col %in% names(df))) {
    stop("Specified columns do not exist in the dataframe.")

  # Get a list of all unique modules
  modules <- unique(df[[module_col]])

  # Initialize an empty dataframe to store results
  results <- data.frame(Module1 = character(),
                        Module2 = character(),
                        WilcoxPValue = numeric(),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Loop through each module
  for (module in modules) {
    # Data for the current module
    current_data <- df %>% filter(!!sym(module_col) == module) %>% pull(!!sym(value_col))

    # Data for all other modules
    other_data <- df %>% filter(!!sym(module_col) != module) %>% pull(!!sym(value_col))

    # Perform the Wilcoxon test
    test_result <- wilcox.test(current_data, other_data)

    # Add the results to the dataframe
    results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Module1 = module,
                                         Module2 = "Others",
                                         WilcoxPValue = test_result$p.value))


# 2 
perform_module_comparisons_mutexc_2 <- function(df, module_col, value_col) {
  # Ensure the necessary columns exist
  if (!(module_col %in% names(df) && value_col %in% names(df))) {
    stop("Specified columns do not exist in the dataframe.")

  # Get a list of all unique modules
  modules <- unique(df[[module_col]])

  # Initialize an empty list to store combined data frames
  combined_df_list <- list()

  # Initialize an empty dataframe to store results
  results <- data.frame(Module1 = character(),
                        Module2 = character(),
                        WilcoxPValue = numeric(),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Loop through each module
  for (module in modules) {
    # Data for the current module
    current_data <- df %>% filter(!!sym(module_col) == module) %>% 
                    mutate(Group = as.character(module))

    # Data for all other modules
    other_data <- df %>% filter(!!sym(module_col) != module) %>% 
                    mutate(Group = paste("Not", module, sep=""))

    # Combine current module data with other module data
    combined_data <- rbind(current_data, other_data)

    # Add the combined data to the list
    combined_df_list[[module]] <- combined_data

    # Perform the Wilcoxon test
    test_result <- wilcox.test(current_data[[value_col]], other_data[[value_col]])

    # Add the results to the dataframe
    results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Module1 = module,
                                         Module2 = "Others",
                                         WilcoxPValue = test_result$p.value))

  return(list("results" = results, "combined_data" = combined_df_list))

# 3 
# Generate enrichment function limited to the EXPRESSED proteins.
perform_module_disease_analysis_2 <- function(toptable, diseaseGenes) {
  # Prepare an empty list to collect results
  results <- list()
  # Ensure 'Modules' and 'Protein' columns exist in 'toptable'
  if(!"Modules" %in% names(toptable)) {
    stop("Column 'Modules' not found in the 'toptable'.")
  if(!"Protein" %in% names(toptable)) {
    stop("Column 'Protein' not found in the 'toptable'.")
  # Filter disease genes to include only those that are expressed in toptable
  expressedDiseaseGenes <- lapply(diseaseGenes, function(genes) {
    intersect(genes, toptable$Protein)
  # Loop through each module
  modules <- unique(toptable$Modules)
  for (module in modules) {
    # Get the proteins in the module
    moduleGenes <- toptable$Protein[toptable$Modules == module]
    # Loop through each disease gene set
    for (diseaseName in names(expressedDiseaseGenes)) {
      # Find the intersecting genes between the module and the expressed disease genes
      diseaseModuleIntersect <- intersect(moduleGenes, expressedDiseaseGenes[[diseaseName]])
      # Calculate elements for the contingency table
      numIntersect = length(diseaseModuleIntersect)
      numInModuleNotDisease = length(moduleGenes) - numIntersect
      numInDiseaseNotModule = length(expressedDiseaseGenes[[diseaseName]]) - numIntersect
      numInNeither = nrow(toptable) - (numIntersect + numInModuleNotDisease + numInDiseaseNotModule)
      # Build the contingency table
      table <- matrix(c(
        numIntersect, # Both in disease list and module
        numInModuleNotDisease, # In module but not disease list
        numInDiseaseNotModule, # In disease list but not module
        numInNeither # In neither list
      ), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      # Perform chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test with error handling
      chiSqTestResult <- tryCatch({
        chisq.test(table, correct = TRUE)
      }, error = function(e) {
        list(p.value = NA)
      }, warning = function(w) {
        list(p.value = NA)
      fisherTestResult <- tryCatch({
      }, error = function(e) {
        list(p.value = NA, odds.ratio = NA)
      }, warning = function(w) {
        list(p.value = NA, odds.ratio = NA)
      # Calculate percent overlap, handle division by zero
      percentOverlap <- if (length(moduleGenes) > 0) {
        (numIntersect / length(expressedDiseaseGenes[[diseaseName]])) * 100
      } else {
      # Convert intersecting genes to a single character string
      intersectingGenesStr <- if (numIntersect > 0) {
        paste(diseaseModuleIntersect, collapse = ";")
      } else {
        ""  # Use an empty string to indicate no intersection
      # Append to results list
      results[[paste(module, diseaseName, sep = "_")]] <- data.frame(
        Modules = module,
        Disease = diseaseName,
        ChiSqPValue = chiSqTestResult$p.value,
        FisherPValue = fisherTestResult$p.value,
        OddsRatio = fisherTestResult$estimate,
        PercentOverlap = percentOverlap,
        IntersectingGenes = intersectingGenesStr
  # Combine results into a single data frame
  combined_df <-, results)

# 4 
# For testing for enrichment in the circos plot 
perform_module_disease_analysis <- function(toptable, diseaseGenes) {
  # Prepare an empty list to collect results
  results <- list()
  # Ensure 'Modules' and 'Protein' columns exist in 'toptable'
  if(!"Modules" %in% names(toptable)) {
    stop("Column 'Modules' not found in the 'toptable'.")
  if(!"Protein" %in% names(toptable)) {
    stop("Column 'Protein' not found in the 'toptable'.")
  # Filter disease genes to include only those that are expressed in toptable
  expressedDiseaseGenes <- lapply(diseaseGenes, function(genes) {
    intersect(genes, toptable$Protein)
  # Loop through each module
  modules <- unique(toptable$Modules)
  for (module in modules) {
    # Get the genes in the module
    moduleGenes <- toptable$Protein[toptable$Modules == module]
    # Loop through each disease gene set
    for (diseaseName in names(expressedDiseaseGenes)) {
      # Find the intersecting genes between the module and the expressed disease genes
      diseaseModuleIntersect <- intersect(moduleGenes, expressedDiseaseGenes[[diseaseName]])
      # Calculate elements for the contingency table
      numIntersect = length(diseaseModuleIntersect)
      numInModuleNotDisease = length(moduleGenes) - numIntersect
      numInDiseaseNotModule = length(expressedDiseaseGenes[[diseaseName]]) - numIntersect
      numInNeither = nrow(toptable) - (numIntersect + numInModuleNotDisease + numInDiseaseNotModule)
      # Build the contingency table
      table <- matrix(c(
        numIntersect, # Both in disease list and module
        numInModuleNotDisease, # In module but not disease list
        numInDiseaseNotModule, # In disease list but not module
        numInNeither # In neither list
      ), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      # Perform chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test with error handling
      chiSqTestResult <- tryCatch({
        chisq.test(table, correct = TRUE)
      }, error = function(e) {
        list(p.value = NA)
      }, warning = function(w) {
        list(p.value = NA)
      fisherTestResult <- tryCatch({
      }, error = function(e) {
        list(p.value = NA)
      }, warning = function(w) {
        list(p.value = NA)
      # Calculate percent overlap, handle division by zero
      percentOverlap <- if (length(moduleGenes) > 0) {
        (numIntersect / length(expressedDiseaseGenes[[diseaseName]])) * 100
      } else {
      # Convert intersecting genes to a single character string
      intersectingGenesStr <- if (numIntersect > 0) {
        paste(diseaseModuleIntersect, collapse = ";")
      } else {
        ""  # Use an empty string to indicate no intersection
      # Append to results list
      results[[paste(module, diseaseName, sep = "_")]] <- data.frame(
        Modules = module,
        Disease = diseaseName,
        ChiSqPValue = chiSqTestResult$p.value,
        FisherPValue = fisherTestResult$p.value,
        PercentOverlap = percentOverlap,
        IntersectingGenes = intersectingGenesStr
  # Combine results into a single data frame
  results_df <-, results)

Fig-3-A- Tissue spec module percentages

Tissue_spec %>% head()
     Gene                    Gene.synonym         Ensembl
1  ANKRD1 ALRP, C-193, CARP, CVARP, MCARP ENSG00000148677
2   CASQ2                           PDIB2 ENSG00000118729
3 CCDC141                 CAMDI, FLJ39502 ENSG00000163492
4   CORIN ATC2, CRN, Lrp4, PRSC, TMPRSS10 ENSG00000145244
5   CRIP2                      CRP2, ESP1 ENSG00000182809
6   FITM2     C20orf142, dJ881L22.2, FIT2 ENSG00000197296
                              Gene.description Uniprot       HPA_Class
1                      Ankyrin repeat domain 1  Q15327 Tissue_enriched
2                              Calsequestrin 2  O14958 Tissue_enriched
3            Coiled-coil domain containing 141  Q6ZP82 Tissue_enriched
4                      Corin, serine peptidase  Q9Y5Q5 Tissue_enriched
5                      Cysteine rich protein 2  P52943 Tissue_enriched
6 Fat storage inducing transmembrane protein 2  Q8N6M3 Tissue_enriched
1           1
2           1
3           1
4           1
5           1
6           1
# Specificity ranges 0-4, where 0 is most specific and 4 is most specific, a way I notated the classes for easier subsetting. 
Tissue_spec_Elevated <- Tissue_spec[Tissue_spec$Specificity >= 0 , ]$Uniprot

Heart_Elevated_TT <- Toptable_Modules[Toptable_Modules$Proteins %in% Tissue_spec_Elevated, ]
Heart_Elevated_TT %>% head()
      X Proteins    kTotal   kWithin      kOut     kDiff     logFC.x AveExpr.x
17   17   A5D6W6 52.299742 24.798855 27.500887 -2.702032 -0.02774699  19.11923
28   28   A7E2Y1  5.274765  1.274155  4.000610 -2.726454  0.13279329  20.68953
33   33   B0YJ81 20.706246 16.929355  3.776891 13.152464  0.15285034  20.81051
34   34   B2RUZ4  9.743957  2.619998  7.123959 -4.503962  0.21622333  19.20732
106 106   O14531 64.372981 49.985280 14.387701 35.597579  0.62386638  17.88547
109 109   O14561  4.128437  1.009408  3.119029 -2.109620  0.40391201  17.29644
           t.x   P.Value.x adj.P.Val.x        B.x threshold_P.x    Modules.x
17  -0.2829644 0.786442392 0.786442392 -6.8797598         FALSE       salmon
28   0.9152931 0.394702310 0.394702310 -6.4733724         FALSE      darkred
33   2.1697133 0.071764703 0.071764703 -4.9182098         FALSE    royalblue
34   1.0318591 0.341215957 0.341215957 -6.3603407         FALSE midnightblue
106  5.7412437 0.001094762 0.001094762 -0.4750144          TRUE    darkgreen
109  1.5066709 0.181704062 0.181704062 -5.8148770         FALSE        brown
    DE_or_Not.x    Norm_kIN    Norm_kOut     logFC.y AveExpr.y        t.y
17        FALSE 0.119225266 0.0069271755 -0.02774699  19.11923 -0.2829644
28        FALSE 0.001596686 0.0011836123  0.13279329  20.68953  0.9152931
33        FALSE 0.023677419 0.0010906413  0.15285034  20.81051  2.1697133
34        FALSE 0.011244625 0.0018058199  0.21622333  19.20732  1.0318591
106        TRUE 0.089259428 0.0039767001  0.62386638  17.88547  5.7412437
109       FALSE 0.020600170 0.0007553956  0.40391201  17.29644  1.5066709
      P.Value.y adj.P.Val.y        B.y threshold_P.y    Modules.y DE_or_Not.y
17  0.786442392 0.786442392 -6.8797598         FALSE       salmon       FALSE
28  0.394702310 0.394702310 -6.4733724         FALSE      darkred       FALSE
33  0.071764703 0.071764703 -4.9182098         FALSE    royalblue       FALSE
34  0.341215957 0.341215957 -6.3603407         FALSE midnightblue       FALSE
106 0.001094762 0.001094762 -0.4750144          TRUE    darkgreen        TRUE
109 0.181704062 0.181704062 -5.8148770         FALSE        brown       FALSE
    Is_DA Is_DOXcorrelated Is_Hub Is_Cis_pQTL Is_Trans_pQTL Is_pQTL
17      0                1      0           0             0       0
28      0                0      0           0             0       0
33      0                0      0           0             0       0
34      0                1      0           0             0       0
106     1                1      0           0             0       0
109     0                0      0           0             0       0
    pLI_assigned pLI_Mut.Intolerant pLI_Mut.Tolerant Is_Druggable
17             1                  0                1            0
28             0                  0                0            0
33             0                  0                0            0
34             1                  0                1            0
106            1                  0                1            0
109            1                  0                0            0
    Is_CVD_protein Is_CVD_PPI_protein
17               0                  0
28               0                  0
33               0                  1
34               0                  0
106              0                  0
109              0                  0
Heart_Elevated_TT$Modules.x %>% unique()
 [1] "salmon"       "darkred"      "royalblue"    "midnightblue" "darkgreen"   
 [6] "brown"        "lightyellow"  "grey"         "green"        "lightgreen"  
[11] "blue"         "magenta"     
# Summarize the count of each module in Toptable_Modules
module_counts_toptable <- Toptable_Modules %>% 
  group_by(Modules.x) %>% 
  summarize(Count = n())

# Summarize the count of each module in Heart_Elevated_TT
module_counts_heart_elevated <- Heart_Elevated_TT %>% 
  group_by(Modules.x) %>% 
  summarize(Count = n())

# Calculate the percentage for each module in Heart_Elevated_TT
heart_elevated_summary <- module_counts_heart_elevated %>% 
  left_join(module_counts_toptable, by = "Modules.x", suffix = c("_Heart", "_Toptable")) %>%
  mutate(Percentage = (Count_Heart / Count_Toptable) * 100)
# A tibble: 12 × 4
   Modules.x    Count_Heart Count_Toptable Percentage
   <chr>              <int>          <int>      <dbl>
 1 blue                   2             45       4.44
 2 brown                  1             49       2.04
 3 darkgreen             27            560       4.82
 4 darkred               35            798       4.39
 5 green                 21            579       3.63
 6 grey                   5            106       4.72
 7 lightgreen            13            262       4.96
 8 lightyellow           13            437       2.97
 9 magenta               10            129       7.75
10 midnightblue          11            233       4.72
11 royalblue             33            715       4.62
12 salmon                 9            208       4.33
yellowDF <- data.frame(
  Modules.x = "yellow",
  Count_Heart = 0, 
  Count_Toptable = 0, 
  Percentage = 0 

heart_elevated_summary_yellow <- rbind(heart_elevated_summary,yellowDF)

module_order <- c("green","darkgreen","midnightblue","salmon","lightyellow",  "lightgreen","blue", "magenta","darkred", "brown", "yellow", "royalblue", "grey") 

heart_elevated_summary_2 <- heart_elevated_summary_yellow

# Factor the Module column in Fulltrait_df
heart_elevated_summary_2$Modules.x <- factor(heart_elevated_summary_2$Modules.x, levels = module_order)

# Plotting the percentages
ggplot(data = heart_elevated_summary_2, mapping = aes(x = Modules.x, y = Percentage, fill = Modules.x)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_identity() +  
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
  labs(title = "",
       x = "",
       y = "Percentage of heart elevated proteins within each module") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 4.444, color = "red", linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.8)
Scale for fill is already present.
Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

heart_elevated_summary_2$Percentage %>% range()
[1] 0.000000 7.751938
heart_elevated_summary_2$Percentage %>% median()
[1] 4.444444

Fig-3-B &. S8 Tissue specificity scores

# Wrangle 
Tissue_spec_merge <- merge(Tissue_spec_2, Toptable_Modules, by.x = "Uniprot", by.y = "Proteins")

Tissue_spec_merge$Heart.Ventricle <- Tissue_spec_merge$Heart.Ventricle %>% as.double()
Warning in Tissue_spec_merge$Heart.Ventricle %>% as.double(): NAs introduced by
Tissue_spec_merge_2 <- Tissue_spec_merge

# Example usage
# Replace "Modules" with the actual column name of your modules
# Replace "Heart.Ventricle" with the actual column name of your values
Tissue_spec_merge$Heart.Ventricle <- as.double(Tissue_spec_merge$Heart.Ventricle)

results_df_HV <- perform_module_comparisons_mutexc(Tissue_spec_merge, "Modules.x", "Heart.Ventricle")

results_df_HV[results_df_HV$WilcoxPValue < 0.05, ]
        Module1 Module2 WilcoxPValue
1       darkred  Others 1.411025e-08
7        salmon  Others 2.526116e-10
8         green  Others 1.815933e-41
9     darkgreen  Others 4.697999e-03
10 midnightblue  Others 1.037008e-03
12        brown  Others 1.743286e-03
#### With mutually exclusive sets and plotting #### 

# Example usage
# Replace "Modules" with the actual column name of your modules
# Replace "Heart.Ventricle" with the actual column name of your values

results_df_HV <- perform_module_comparisons_mutexc_2(Tissue_spec_merge, "Modules.x", "Heart.Ventricle")
results_df_HV$results[results_df_HV$results$WilcoxPValue<0.05, ]
        Module1 Module2 WilcoxPValue
1       darkred  Others 1.411025e-08
7        salmon  Others 2.526116e-10
8         green  Others 1.815933e-41
9     darkgreen  Others 4.697999e-03
10 midnightblue  Others 1.037008e-03
12        brown  Others 1.743286e-03
results_df_HV_combined <-, results_df_HV$combined_data)
results_df_HV_combined$Group %>% unique()
 [1] "darkred"         "Notdarkred"      "royalblue"       "Notroyalblue"   
 [5] "lightgreen"      "Notlightgreen"   "lightyellow"     "Notlightyellow" 
 [9] "magenta"         "Notmagenta"      "grey"            "Notgrey"        
[13] "salmon"          "Notsalmon"       "green"           "Notgreen"       
[17] "darkgreen"       "Notdarkgreen"    "midnightblue"    "Notmidnightblue"
[21] "blue"            "Notblue"         "brown"           "Notbrown"       
[25] "yellow"          "Notyellow"      
Group_order <- c("green", "Notgreen","darkgreen", "Notdarkgreen", "midnightblue","Notmidnightblue", "salmon","Notsalmon", "lightyellow", "Notlightyellow", "lightgreen", "Notlightgreen","blue", "Notblue", "magenta" ,"Notmagenta","darkred", "Notdarkred", "brown", "Notbrown", "yellow", "Notyellow","royalblue", "Notroyalblue", "grey", "Notgrey" )

# Factor the Module column in Fulltrait_df
results_df_HV_combined$Group <- factor(results_df_HV_combined$Group, levels = Group_order)

my_colors <- c("green", "green","darkgreen", "darkgreen", "midnightblue","midnightblue", "salmon","salmon", "lightyellow", "lightyellow", "lightgreen", "lightgreen","blue", "blue", "magenta" ,"magenta","darkred", "darkred", "brown", "brown", "yellow", "yellow","royalblue", "royalblue", "grey", "grey")

ggplot(results_df_HV_combined, aes(x = Group, y = Heart.Ventricle, fill = Group)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
  scale_fill_manual(values = my_colors) +  # Manually setting the colors
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        legend.position = "none") +  # Removing the legend
  labs(title = "Ventricle tissue specificity scores of proteins",
       x = "",
       y = "TS score ") +
  ylim = c(-5,5)
)+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0.33, color = "red", linetype = "dashed", linewidth = 0.6) 
Warning: Removed 2821 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).

#### Tissue spec DA vs ~ DA #### 
Tissue_spec_merge_DA <- Tissue_spec_merge[Tissue_spec_merge$P.Value.x < 0.05, ]

Tissue_spec_merge_NotDA <- Tissue_spec_merge[Tissue_spec_merge$P.Value.x > 0.05, ]

wilcox.test(Tissue_spec_merge_DA$Heart.Ventricle,Tissue_spec_merge_NotDA$Heart.Ventricle )

    Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction

data:  Tissue_spec_merge_DA$Heart.Ventricle and Tissue_spec_merge_NotDA$Heart.Ventricle
W = 1266626, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
ggplot(Tissue_spec_merge, aes(x = DE_or_Not.x, y = Heart.Ventricle, fill = DE_or_Not.x)) +
  geom_boxplot() +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c("Non-DA", "DA")) +  # Manually setting group names
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
        legend.position = "none") +  # Removing the legend
  labs(title = "Ventricle tissue specificity scores of proteins",
       x = "",
       y = "Heart ventricle TS score") +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-2.5,2.5))
Warning: Removed 217 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).

Fig-3-C Heatmap for broad locations

Toptable_Modules %>% colnames()
 [1] "X"                  "Proteins"           "kTotal"            
 [4] "kWithin"            "kOut"               "kDiff"             
 [7] "logFC.x"            "AveExpr.x"          "t.x"               
[10] "P.Value.x"          "adj.P.Val.x"        "B.x"               
[13] "threshold_P.x"      "Modules.x"          "DE_or_Not.x"       
[16] "Norm_kIN"           "Norm_kOut"          "logFC.y"           
[19] "AveExpr.y"          "t.y"                "P.Value.y"         
[22] "adj.P.Val.y"        "B.y"                "threshold_P.y"     
[25] "Modules.y"          "DE_or_Not.y"        "Is_DA"             
[28] "Is_DOXcorrelated"   "Is_Hub"             "Is_Cis_pQTL"       
[31] "Is_Trans_pQTL"      "Is_pQTL"            "pLI_assigned"      
[34] "pLI_Mut.Intolerant" "pLI_Mut.Tolerant"   "Is_Druggable"      
[37] "Is_CVD_protein"     "Is_CVD_PPI_protein"
colnames(Toptable_Modules) <- c("X", "Protein","kTotal", "kWithin",        "kOut", "kDiff", "logFC", "AveExpr", "t", "P.Value","adj.P.Val" ,"B" , "threshold_P", "Modules", "DE_or_Not", "Norm_kIN", "Norm_kOut", "logFC.y",     "AveExpr.y", "t.y", "P.Value.y", "adj.P.Val.y", "B.y" , "threshold_P.y",    "Modules.y", "DE_or_Not.y", "Is_DA", "Is_DOXcorrelated", "Is_Hub", "Is_Cis_pQTL", "Is_Trans_pQTL", "Is_pQTL", "pLI_assigned", "pLI_Mut.Intolerant", "pLI_Mut.Tolerant", "Is_Druggable", "Is_CVD_protein",    "Is_CVD_PPI_protein")

Toptable_Modules$Modules %>% unique()
 [1] "darkred"      "royalblue"    "green"        "lightgreen"   "lightyellow" 
 [6] "magenta"      "grey"         "salmon"       "darkgreen"    "midnightblue"
[11] "blue"         "brown"        "yellow"      
# Plot results 
results_df <- perform_module_disease_analysis_2(toptable = Toptable_Modules, diseaseGenes = HPA_General)

results_df$Disease %>% unique()
 [1] "41586_2020_2077_MOESM4_ESM"     "CD_Markers"                    
 [3] "Druggable_proteins"             "GPCRs"                         
 [5] "Intracellular"                  "membrane_and_secreted"         
 [7] "Membrane"                       "MSG"                           
 [9] "Plasma"                         "RBP_41586_2020_2077_MOESM3_ESM"
[11] "Secreted"                       "Signal_peptide"                
[13] "Transcription_Factor_1_s2"      "Transcription_factors"         
[15] "Transporters"                   "Voltage_gated_channels"        
results_df_2 <- results_df[results_df$Disease %in% c("Intracellular", "Membrane","Plasma","Secreted"), ]

results_df_2[(results_df_2$FisherPValue < 0.05) & (results_df_2$OddsRatio > 1),c(1:5)]
                             Modules       Disease  ChiSqPValue FisherPValue
royalblue_Membrane         royalblue      Membrane 1.659116e-13 7.167432e-13
royalblue_Secreted         royalblue      Secreted 5.449211e-06 2.116904e-05
green_Intracellular            green Intracellular 7.632923e-08 2.818731e-08
salmon_Intracellular          salmon Intracellular 1.233500e-02 9.301020e-03
darkgreen_Intracellular    darkgreen Intracellular 1.168793e-02 1.108015e-02
darkgreen_Plasma           darkgreen        Plasma 1.671042e-07 1.908351e-07
midnightblue_Membrane   midnightblue      Membrane 3.095355e-02 3.183487e-02
blue_Membrane                   blue      Membrane 2.941408e-04 4.612730e-04
yellow_Membrane               yellow      Membrane 2.356325e-02 2.213791e-02
royalblue_Membrane       1.892681
royalblue_Secreted       2.271911
green_Intracellular      1.771155
salmon_Intracellular     1.533238
darkgreen_Intracellular  1.297732
darkgreen_Plasma         1.614798
midnightblue_Membrane    1.378914
blue_Membrane            2.961655
yellow_Membrane          1.909330
melted_results <- melt(results_df_2, id.vars = c("Modules", "Disease", "PercentOverlap", "FisherPValue","OddsRatio" ))

# First, create a new column that indicates where to place stars
melted_results$Star <- ifelse(melted_results$FisherPValue < 0.05 & melted_results$OddsRatio > 1, "*", "")

module_order <- c("green","darkgreen","midnightblue","salmon","lightyellow", "lightgreen","blue", "magenta","darkred", "brown", "yellow", "royalblue", "grey")

melted_results_2 <- melted_results
# Factor the Module column in Fulltrait_df
melted_results_2$Modules <- factor(melted_results_2$Modules, levels = module_order)

# Vertical
ggplot(melted_results_2, aes(x = Modules, y = Disease, fill = OddsRatio)) +
  geom_tile(color = "black") +  
  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = c("blue", "white", "red"), 
                       values = scales::rescale(c(0, 1, max(melted_results_2$OddsRatio))), 
                       na.value = "grey50", name = "Odds ratio") +
  geom_text(aes(label = Star), color = "black", size = 8, na.rm = TRUE) +
  labs(x = "", y = "") +  
  theme_minimal() +  
    axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1),
    axis.text.y = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
    axis.title = element_text(size = 12),
    legend.key.size = unit(0.6, 'cm'),
    legend.title = element_text(size = 10),
    legend.text = element_text(size = 8)

Fig-3-D Subcellular compartment distribution

# Assuming 'Toptable_Modules' is your data frame with proteins and their modules
Toptable_Modules_comp <- Toptable_Modules

# Create an empty data frame for edges
edges <- data.frame(from = character(), to = character())

list_of_compartments <- list(
  Autophagosome = Autophagosome_comp,
  Cell_Membrane = Cell_Membrane_comp,
  Cytoplasm = Cytoplasm_comp,
  Cytoskeleton = Cytoskeleton_comp,
  ER = ER_comp,
  Golgi_apparatus = Golgi_apparatus_comp,
  Lysosomes = Lysosomes_comp,
  Mitochondrion = Mitochondrion_comp,
  Nucleus = Nucleus_comp,
  Sarcomere = Sarcomere_comp

# List of proteins in each compartment 
compartment_list <- list(
  Autophagosome = Autophagosome_comp,
  Cell_Membrane = Cell_Membrane_comp,
  Cytoplasm = Cytoplasm_comp,
  Cytoskeleton = Cytoskeleton_comp,
  ER = ER_comp,
  Golgi_apparatus = Golgi_apparatus_comp,
  Lysosomes = Lysosomes_comp,
  Mitochondrion = Mitochondrion_comp,
  Nucleus = Nucleus_comp,
  Sarcomere = Sarcomere_comp

# Loop through each compartment vector and add rows to the edges data frame
for(compartment_name in names(list_of_compartments)) {
  compartment <- list_of_compartments[[compartment_name]]
  for(protein in compartment) {
    module <- Toptable_Modules_comp$Modules[Toptable_Modules_comp$Protein == protein ]
    if(length(module) > 0) {
      edges <- rbind(edges, data.frame(from = module, to = compartment_name))

# Create Nodes data frame
unique_nodes <- unique(c(as.character(edges$from), as.character(edges$to)))
Nodes <- data.frame(name = unique_nodes)

# Modify edges to use indices
edges$from <- match(edges$from, Nodes$name) - 1  # -1 because JavaScript is zero-indexed

edges$to <- match(edges$to, Nodes$name) - 1

# Add a 'value' column to edges if not present
edges$value <- 1  # or any other appropriate value

module_df <- data.frame(
  protein = Toptable_Modules$Protein,
  module = as.character(Toptable_Modules$Modules)

# Create a color mapping for modules (replace with actual colors)
module_colors <- setNames((Toptable_Modules$Modules %>% unique()), (Toptable_Modules$Modules %>% unique()))

# Create a grid that combines compartments and modules
grid <- lapply(names(compartment_list), function(compartment) {
  proteins <- compartment_list[[compartment]]
  modules <- module_df$module[module_df$protein %in% proteins]
  c(setNames(rep(compartment, length(proteins)), proteins),
    setNames(modules, proteins))

# Flatten the grid list
grid <- unlist(grid)

# Prepare the color list for the grid
grid_colors <- sapply(names(grid), function(name) {
  if (name %in% module_df$protein) {
  } else {
    "white"  # color for compartments
grid <- grid %>%

# Create links data frame
links <-, lapply(names(compartment_list), function(compartment) {
  proteins <- compartment_list[[compartment]]
  modules <- module_df$module[module_df$protein %in% proteins]
  data.frame(from = compartment, to = modules)

# Adjust the text size for sector labels and tick labels
circos.par("track.height" = 0.3, "points.overflow.warning" = FALSE)
par(cex = 0.5, mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))

# Chord diagram plotting 
  x = links,
  col = module_colors[links$to],
  transparency = 0.5

# Reset the default circos parameters after plotting

# Results for statistical enrichment 
results_df <- perform_module_disease_analysis(toptable = Toptable_Modules, diseaseGenes = compartment_list)

results_df[(results_df$FisherPValue < 0.05), ]$Modules %>% unique
 [1] "darkred"      "royalblue"    "green"        "lightyellow"  "magenta"     
 [6] "salmon"       "darkgreen"    "midnightblue" "blue"         "brown"       
[11] "yellow"      
results_df <- results_df %>% as.tibble() 
Warning: `as.tibble()` was deprecated in tibble 2.0.0.
ℹ Please use `as_tibble()` instead.
ℹ The signature and semantics have changed, see `?as_tibble`.
This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
results_df[(results_df$FisherPValue < 0.05) & (results_df$Modules == "green"), ]
# A tibble: 5 × 6
  Modules Disease      ChiSqPValue FisherPValue PercentOverlap IntersectingGenes
  <chr>   <chr>              <dbl>        <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>            
1 green   Cell_Membra…    4.57e- 5     1.28e- 5           7.19 O60291;O60716;O7…
2 green   ER              1.06e- 3     5.64e- 4           9.27 A5PLL7;O15155;O1…
3 green   Lysosomes       5.59e- 2     4.33e- 2           7.5  O15118;P01130;Q0…
4 green   Mitochondri…    1.87e- 8     9.23e-10           6.10 O00483;O15164;O1…
5 green   Nucleus         7.42e-59     4.01e-53          28.2  O00267;O00291;O0…
results_df[(results_df$FisherPValue < 0.05) & (results_df$Modules == "darkgreen"), ]
# A tibble: 1 × 6
  Modules   Disease ChiSqPValue FisherPValue PercentOverlap IntersectingGenes   
  <chr>     <chr>         <dbl>        <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>               
1 darkgreen Nucleus      0.0100      0.00881           11.1 O00165;O00442;O0062…
results_df[(results_df$FisherPValue < 0.05) & (results_df$Modules == "midnightblue"), ]
# A tibble: 2 × 6
  Modules      Disease ChiSqPValue FisherPValue PercentOverlap IntersectingGenes
  <chr>        <chr>         <dbl>        <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>            
1 midnightblue Cell_M…     0.00136      0.00217           9.11 B2RUZ4;O00443;O1…
2 midnightblue ER          0.0308       0.0281            7.64 O14523;O14656;O1…
results_df[(results_df$FisherPValue < 0.05) & (results_df$Modules == "salmon"), ]
# A tibble: 3 × 6
  Modules Disease      ChiSqPValue FisherPValue PercentOverlap IntersectingGenes
  <chr>   <chr>              <dbl>        <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>            
1 salmon  Cell_Membra…    7.14e- 4     1.18e- 4          1.44  P55287;P62745;Q1…
2 salmon  Lysosomes       5.67e- 2     3.02e- 2          0.833 P20336           
3 salmon  Mitochondri…    4.94e-16     4.28e-13         12.0   O15091;O60783;O7…
results_df[(results_df$FisherPValue < 0.05) & (results_df$Modules == "lightyellow"), ]
# A tibble: 5 × 6
  Modules     Disease  ChiSqPValue FisherPValue PercentOverlap IntersectingGenes
  <chr>       <chr>          <dbl>        <dbl>          <dbl> <chr>            
1 lightyellow Cell_Me…     0.0173       0.0141            6.95 O00571;O14494;P0…
2 lightyellow Cytopla…     0.0104       0.0109           12.4  A5YKK6;O00139;O0…
3 lightyellow ER           0.00703      0.00447           7.09 A1L0T0;O00264;O1…
4 lightyellow Lysosom…     0.0670       0.0482            5    O60271;Q15043;Q5…
5 lightyellow Nucleus      0.0239       0.0223           12.3  O00148;O00571;O4…

R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur/Monterey 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] grid      stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
[8] methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] circlize_0.4.15                        
 [2] networkD3_0.4                          
 [3] scales_1.2.1                           
 [4] ggraph_2.1.0                           
 [5] igraph_1.5.1                           
 [6] ReactomePA_1.40.0                      
 [7] impute_1.70.0                          
 [8] WGCNA_1.72-1                           
 [9] fastcluster_1.2.3                      
[10] dynamicTreeCut_1.63-1                  
[11] BioNERO_1.4.2                          
[12] reshape2_1.4.4                         
[13] ggridges_0.5.4                         
[14] biomaRt_2.52.0                         
[15] ggvenn_0.1.10                          
[16] UpSetR_1.4.0                           
[17] DOSE_3.22.1                            
[18] variancePartition_1.26.0               
[19] clusterProfiler_4.4.4                  
[20] pheatmap_1.0.12                        
[21] qvalue_2.28.0                          
[22] Homo.sapiens_1.3.1                     
[23] TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene_3.2.2
[25] GO.db_3.15.0                           
[26] OrganismDbi_1.38.1                     
[27] GenomicFeatures_1.48.4                 
[28] AnnotationDbi_1.58.0                   
[29] cluster_2.1.4                          
[30] ggfortify_0.4.16                       
[31] lubridate_1.9.2                        
[32] forcats_1.0.0                          
[33] stringr_1.5.0                          
[34] dplyr_1.1.2                            
[35] purrr_1.0.2                            
[36] readr_2.1.4                            
[37] tidyr_1.3.0                            
[38] tibble_3.2.1                           
[39] ggplot2_3.4.3                          
[40] tidyverse_2.0.0                        
[41] RColorBrewer_1.1-3                     
[42] RUVSeq_1.30.0                          
[43] edgeR_3.38.4                           
[44] limma_3.52.4                           
[45] EDASeq_2.30.0                          
[46] ShortRead_1.54.0                       
[47] GenomicAlignments_1.32.1               
[48] SummarizedExperiment_1.26.1            
[49] MatrixGenerics_1.8.1                   
[50] matrixStats_1.0.0                      
[51] Rsamtools_2.12.0                       
[52] GenomicRanges_1.48.0                   
[53] Biostrings_2.64.1                      
[54] GenomeInfoDb_1.32.4                    
[55] XVector_0.36.0                         
[56] IRanges_2.30.1                         
[57] S4Vectors_0.34.0                       
[58] BiocParallel_1.30.4                    
[59] Biobase_2.56.0                         
[60] BiocGenerics_0.42.0                    
[61] workflowr_1.7.1                        

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] rappdirs_0.3.3         rtracklayer_1.56.1     minet_3.54.0          
  [4] R.methodsS3_1.8.2      coda_0.19-4            bit64_4.0.5           
  [7] knitr_1.43             aroma.light_3.26.0     DelayedArray_0.22.0   
 [10] R.utils_2.12.2         rpart_4.1.19           data.table_1.14.8     
 [13] hwriter_1.3.2.1        KEGGREST_1.36.3        RCurl_1.98-1.12       
 [16] doParallel_1.0.17      generics_0.1.3         preprocessCore_1.58.0 
 [19] callr_3.7.3            RhpcBLASctl_0.23-42    RSQLite_2.3.1         
 [22] shadowtext_0.1.2       bit_4.0.5              tzdb_0.4.0            
 [25] enrichplot_1.16.2      xml2_1.3.5             httpuv_1.6.11         
 [28] viridis_0.6.4          xfun_0.40              hms_1.1.3             
 [31] jquerylib_0.1.4        evaluate_0.21          promises_1.2.1        
 [34] fansi_1.0.4            restfulr_0.0.15        progress_1.2.2        
 [37] caTools_1.18.2         dbplyr_2.3.3           htmlwidgets_1.6.2     
 [40] DBI_1.1.3              ggnewscale_0.4.9       backports_1.4.1       
 [43] annotate_1.74.0        aod_1.3.2              deldir_1.0-9          
 [46] vctrs_0.6.3            abind_1.4-5            cachem_1.0.8          
 [49] withr_2.5.0            ggforce_0.4.1          checkmate_2.2.0       
 [52] treeio_1.20.2          prettyunits_1.1.1      ape_5.7-1             
 [55] lazyeval_0.2.2         crayon_1.5.2           genefilter_1.78.0     
 [58] labeling_0.4.2         pkgconfig_2.0.3        tweenr_2.0.2          
 [61] nlme_3.1-163           nnet_7.3-19            rlang_1.1.1           
 [64] lifecycle_1.0.3        downloader_0.4         filelock_1.0.2        
 [67] BiocFileCache_2.4.0    rprojroot_2.0.3        polyclip_1.10-4       
 [70] graph_1.74.0           Matrix_1.5-4.1         aplot_0.2.0           
 [73] NetRep_1.2.7           boot_1.3-28.1          base64enc_0.1-3       
 [76] GlobalOptions_0.1.2    whisker_0.4.1          processx_3.8.2        
 [79] png_0.1-8              viridisLite_0.4.2      rjson_0.2.21          
 [82] bitops_1.0-7           getPass_0.2-2          R.oo_1.25.0           
 [85] ggnetwork_0.5.12       KernSmooth_2.23-22     blob_1.2.4            
 [88] shape_1.4.6            jpeg_0.1-10            gridGraphics_0.5-1    
 [91] reactome.db_1.81.0     graphite_1.42.0        memoise_2.0.1         
 [94] magrittr_2.0.3         plyr_1.8.8             gplots_3.1.3          
 [97] zlibbioc_1.42.0        compiler_4.2.0         scatterpie_0.2.1      
[100] BiocIO_1.6.0           clue_0.3-64            intergraph_2.0-3      
[103] lme4_1.1-34            cli_3.6.1              patchwork_1.1.3       
[106] ps_1.7.5               htmlTable_2.4.1        Formula_1.2-5         
[109] mgcv_1.9-0             MASS_7.3-60            tidyselect_1.2.0      
[112] stringi_1.7.12         highr_0.10             yaml_2.3.7            
[115] GOSemSim_2.22.0        locfit_1.5-9.8         latticeExtra_0.6-30   
[118] ggrepel_0.9.3          sass_0.4.7             fastmatch_1.1-4       
[121] tools_4.2.0            timechange_0.2.0       parallel_4.2.0        
[124] rstudioapi_0.15.0      foreign_0.8-84         foreach_1.5.2         
[127] git2r_0.32.0           gridExtra_2.3          farver_2.1.1          
[130] digest_0.6.33          BiocManager_1.30.22    Rcpp_1.0.11           
[133] broom_1.0.5            later_1.3.1            httr_1.4.7            
[136] ComplexHeatmap_2.12.1  GENIE3_1.18.0          Rdpack_2.5            
[139] colorspace_2.1-0       XML_3.99-0.14          fs_1.6.3              
[142] splines_4.2.0          statmod_1.5.0          yulab.utils_0.0.8     
[145] RBGL_1.72.0            tidytree_0.4.5         graphlayouts_1.0.0    
[148] ggplotify_0.1.2        xtable_1.8-4           jsonlite_1.8.7        
[151] nloptr_2.0.3           ggtree_3.4.4           tidygraph_1.2.3       
[154] ggfun_0.1.2            R6_2.5.1               Hmisc_5.1-0           
[157] pillar_1.9.0           htmltools_0.5.6        glue_1.6.2            
[160] fastmap_1.1.1          minqa_1.2.5            codetools_0.2-19      
[163] fgsea_1.22.0           utf8_1.2.3             sva_3.44.0            
[166] lattice_0.21-8         bslib_0.5.1            network_1.18.1        
[169] pbkrtest_0.5.2         curl_5.0.2             gtools_3.9.4          
[172] interp_1.1-4           survival_3.5-7         statnet.common_4.9.0  
[175] rmarkdown_2.24         munsell_0.5.0          GetoptLong_1.0.5      
[178] DO.db_2.9              GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.8 iterators_1.0.14      
[181] gtable_0.3.4           rbibutils_2.2.15